Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
Meaning & Personality of Number (1) An innovator, straight forward charismatic leader Positive Traits Leadership Skill, Independent Goal-getter, Righteous Negative Traits Stubborn, Self-centred, Lonely Meaning & Personality of Number (2) A negotiator and a good...
Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
Do you know your most suitable career or business paths are determined by your birth date? You can choose your career or business that resonates best with your numerology profile base on your Number Type. Your Number Type influences which kinds of jobs best fit your...
Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
Do you know Numerology has a very amazing power of revealing your health issues from your birth date chart? Numerology is a powerful divination system, it is both an art and science for recognising patterns through observations from case studies and events. It can...
Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
The history of five elements can be traced back to few thousand years ago in ancient China.Five elements were first recorded in ‘Gui Cang Yi’ 《归藏易》 and ‘Liang San Yi’ 《连山易》. The old ancient people believe that everything in the universal is...
Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
Feng Shui is about natural energy and natural forces can change the Qi of our living environment.Feng Shui is not a religious practice and is commonly practiced worldwide by many people of different races and religions.We often heard to live a balanced life. How to...
Health / Wellness, Life Analysis
Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology is the study of how numbers are symbolic in human...